50 Bombala Street, Cooma
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Inspirations Paint
For Sale
Monaro Trade centre operating as Inspirations which is Australia’s largest network of paint stores, with over 130 stores nationwide. Inspirations Paint does not manufacture paint, they are a group of paint stores that supply both professional painters and DIY retail customers. The store is in Bombala Street Cooma has a shop front and huge storage space at the rear for access for deliveries and trade pickups. Thousands of products sold in the store come from over 50 suppliers. The key supply partner is Dulux Group, who provides product brands such as Dulux, Berger, Porter's Paints, Selleys, Rota Cota, Poly Professional, Cabot's, Intergrain and Feast Watson. Other major suppliers include Rust-Oleum, Sikkens, Sequence and Graco. This is a great opportunity for qualified painter looking to hang up the brushes and use their expertise in the sale of paint products. Give One...
Price $160,000 + Stock
Contact Craig Schofield 0414 865 922
[email protected]
Jodi Alexander 0432 531 508
[email protected]
Office One Agency Jodi Alexander
45 Vale Street, Cooma, NSW 2630, Australia
(02) 6452 6121