143 Belar Avenue, Irymple
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The Northern Tropics of Sunraysia 🌴
For Sale
One of the most unique and breathtaking properties you'll come across in Sunraysia is this 5 acre plus Irymple property. Grown with love and decades of dedication, approximately half of the property features the most impressive of established rainforest styled gardens that features an array of rare and unique palms, trees and ground cover throughout, sourced from Queensland over 50 years ago. You'll be in awe of the size of the canopy and in love with the filtered light that shines to the underground, your kids will get lost for days as you enjoy the peace and tranquility that this property offers. Homemade creeks, water features and fish ponds add to the appeal of the garden.. The family home has all the potential to be the forever home, solid brick, featuring sunken lounge, formal dining, 4bedrooms and 1 bathroom. The view to the garden is one of amazement.. The...
Price $750,000 - $825,000
Contact Mark Thornton 0408 534 772
[email protected]
Letichia Piscioneri 0401 277 068
[email protected]
Office One Agency Mildura
129 Eighth Street, Mildura, VIC 3500, Australia
(03) 5021 2235