14 Seabreeze Avenue, Coolum Beach
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Duplex development site!
This original, well maintained 70's beach house would make an ideal weekender; or remove and build your dream home or duplex. Opportunities like this, in the medium density zoning suitable for duplex development, are very rare indeed. This is one of the few original beach houses remaining in this blue chip location of Seabreeze Avenue, only two streets directly behind Coolum Beach's shopping/café precinct and Coolum's stunning surf beach. This property will be sold on or before Auction. Don't miss this one! Arrange your inspection with Peter Ware today or come along to the open for inspection on Saturday.
Auction 11:00AM, Saturday 22 Apr 2017 at 14 Seabreeze Avenue
Price Sold for $698,000
Contact Peter Ware 0408 210 355
[email protected]
Peter Ware 0408 210 355
[email protected]
Office One Agency Coolum
1/1820 David Low Way, Coolum Beach, QLD 4573, Australia
0403 844 988